
“I have used video technology and other peripheral tools for many years to decent effect, as my record reflects. Swing Catalyst 3D Motion Plates and software have made me realize that I was only using the X-ray machine to diagnose problems! Our 3D Motion Plates serve as the MRI to look deeply into things and it has taken my coaching to a whole new level. It is no longer an opinion, but cold-hard facts, evidence-driven coaching. I can quantify any intervention and tangibly display what was once mainly intellectual property. Don’t get me wrong, you’ve still got to teach, communicate, play detective, understand cause and effect along with coming up with simple solutions. But this technology allows me to make a more informed choice showing the student as much or as little as I feel they need at that time. Another overlooked and powerful use is archiving my players at their peak. Obviously, it’s great to have a vault to refer back to as it allows players to get back on track quicker, ‘Performance by Design’ I call it. All made possible by Swing Catalyst.”