
Swing Catalyst sales and refund terms

If you are under the age of eighteen (18), you may purchase content only with the involvement of your parent or guardian. Make sure you review these Terms with your parent or guardian so that you both understand all of your rights and responsibilities.  


When you provide a funding instrument to us, you confirm that you are permitted to use that funding instrument. When you fund a transaction, you authorize us (and our designated payment processor) to charge the full amount to the funding instrument you designate for the transaction. You also authorize us to collect and store that funding instrument, along with other related transaction information.


Failed funding

If you fund a payment by debit card and your load transaction results in an overdraft or other fee from your bank, you alone are responsible for that fee.



To proceed to payment a Swing Catalyst Account is required, please refer to Payment requires a third party payment solution chosen by the buyer. All personal information and credit card information required by the third party will be handled by the third party.



On rare occasions a certain product may run out of stock. If the missing item will not be replenished, the customer will be notified as soon as possible. Swing Catalyst may propose an alternative product or if that is not possible or if such alternative product is rejected may have to cancel part of or the entire order. Swing Catalyst reserves the right to cancel an order if fraud or similar activity, such as unauthorized use of another´s credit card, is suspected.



The prices at the Webshop are current prices and may be changed at any time. Swing Catalyst is not bound by price indications in the Webshop which the buyer must reasonably or apparently understand are incorrect and which, for example, have occurred due to technical problems in the web platform or rates that have been manipulated by the customer.VAT and shipping will be calculated as a part of the checkout process, and are payable in the Webshop.  For non-EU customers, additional VAT, customs charges and other levies may be incurred by your local Customs Authority on your import, at applicable rates.



We aim to deliver the product to you at the place of delivery requested by you in your order.

We aim to deliver within the time indicated by us at the time of your order, but we cannot guarantee any firm delivery dates. The delivery time will be stated in connection to the individual products.

We shall aim to let you know, if we expect that we are unable to meet our estimated delivery date, but, to the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to you for any losses, liabilities, costs, damages, charges or expenses arising out of late delivery.

On delivery of the product, you may be required to sign for delivery. You agree to inspect the product for any obvious faults, defects or damage before you sign for delivery. You need to keep the receipt of the delivered product in case of future discussions with us about it.

We only ship within the United States of America. It may take a few days extra for shipments to be delivered to remote post codes.

We deliver in our standard packaging. Any special packaging requested by you is subject to additional charges.

All risk in the product shall pass to you upon delivery, except that, where delivery is delayed due to a breach of your obligations under a contract, risk shall pass at the date when delivery would have occurred but for your breach. From the time when risk passes to you, we will not be liable for loss or destruction of the product.

You must take care when opening the product so as not to damage it, particularly when using any sharp instruments.

You shall ensure that you are ready for safe receipt of the product without undue delay and at any time reasonably specified by us.

If delivery or collection is delayed through your unreasonable refusal to accept delivery or if you do not (within two weeks of our first attempt to deliver the product to you) accept delivery or collect the product from the carrier, then we may (without affecting any other right or remedy available to us) do either or both of the following:

a) charge you for our reasonable storage fee and other costs reasonably incurred by us; or
b) no longer make the product available for delivery or collection and notify you that we are immediately cancelling the applicable contract, in which case we will refund to you or your credit or debit card company as applicable any money already paid to us under the applicable contract, less our reasonable administration charges (including for attempting to deliver and then returning the product, and any storage fees.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the products are sufficient and suitable for your purposes and meet your individual requirements. We do not warrant that the products will meet your individual requirements. You acknowledge that the products are standard and not made bespoke to fit any particular requirements that you may have.

In case Swing Catalyst has reason to question buyer's solvency or ability to pay for delivered products, Swing Catalyst have no obligation to make delivery, and shall be entitled to stop products under carriage, unless buyer makes advance payment for the delivery and other claims arising from the business relation or grants security which can reasonably be accepted by Swing Catalyst.


Return policy

Returning a product is to be done on your expense, unless the product is faulty or damaged upon delivery. Returned products are to be sent as letters or postal packages, and not for COD. In case of a trade, Swing Catalyst will pay for the delivery of the replacement product. When you have applied the return policy you shall:

in the case of a product: return the product personally or by mail to us.
in the case of a service: make the material available to us, unless this poses significant stress to your person

Swing Catalyst’s return period is 14 days.


Swing Catalyst shall, if under the jurisdiction of our return policy, refund you what you have paid for the product/service as soon as possible, but latest within 30 days of the product being returned or you informing us of wanting to return a service. You are oblige to pay for the return delivery of the product. Swing Catalyst will pay to send replacement products. In your message to us you must clearly state that you regret your purchase. The return period is counted from the day you received the purchased the full, or a significant part of the product. If you have purchased a customized product -or a product with a significant personal customization, the return period is counted from the day Swing Catalyst have informed you about the product.


You do not qualify for our return policy if:

The service you have bought was commenced with your consent during the return period.
The price of the service purchased fluctuates with the financial market.
Due to the physical nature of the service, it is not returnable.
The seal of authentication of the product has been broken/opened.

When returning a product/service:

You are obliged to keep the product/service in the same condition as when delivered.
You must not have used the product/service, however you have the right to investigate the condition the product was in when delivered. If damage or harm is caused to a product while investigated the product does not qualify for the return policy.

Any return for a refund may be subject to a 15% restocking fee.


Subscription payment

When signing up for a subscription plan personal information and credit card information is required. All information will be handled by the third party chosen by the user. Subscription plans are prepaid and fees will be automatically withdrawn from the user’s bank account on a monthly basis. To change a subscription plan, cancel your current plan and sign up for a new subscription plan.


Cancel subscription plan

Subscription plans can be cancelled at any time. The subscription plan will run out its prepaid period. An overview and cancellation of your licenses and subscriptions can be found under the "My Licenses" tab in "My Account".


Change of subscription plans

Swing Catalyst reserves the right to change the subscription plan structure and the method of payment. Any changes will take effect from the next payment or withdrawal. Any changes will be given a one week notice sent to the email registered in the user account.


Swing Catalyst as cancelling part

Swing Catalyst reserves the right to cancel subscription plans due to major changes in pricing, structure or costs. Prepaid periods will not be affected.

Any misuse may be the cause for immediate cancellation of subscription plans.


Force Majeure

Swing Catalyst is not liable for any non-performance caused by circumstances beyond our control, which directly or indirectly prevents, obstructs or renders production, delivery or freight uneconomical until such obstacle has been removed (force majeure). Such circumstances shall be deemed to include difficulties to procure raw materials as well as other difficulties and disturbances, including but not limited to war, riot, labour conflicts, fire, flood, storm, accident, fuel or power shortages, transportation shortages, obstacles or interruptions regarding transportation at sea and breakdowns or interruptions of any kind as regards to our equipment or facilities, which are deemed necessary for the performance of our agreements' obligations